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Museo della Chiave Bianchi

Immersive storytelling and digital technology as a strategic tool in the promotion of culture and enterprise are placed at the centre of the dialogue with Keyline Spa.

Title:Museo della Chiave BianchiCompany:Keyline e Ivan FrattinaProject:PIC - Patrimonio Culturale ContemporaneoYear:2021Area:Corporate Museums

Keyline and the Key Museum: towards a new digital dimension

The contemporary reinterpretation of the precious industrial-cultural heritage kept in the Museo della Chiave Bianchi 1770, housed within the company premises, which displays the most complete collection of keys in Europe and narrates the world’s longest-lived family dynasty in the production of keys, merges with the idea of wanting to create a new narrative of meaning between what has been and the modern technological innovations represented by the mechanical and electronic key cutting machines designed and produced in Italy by Keyline.

Thanks to the technical and creative support of Ivan Frattina, video-maker, photographer and VFX expert, a virtual tour of the Museo della Chiave Bianchi 1770 and the company showroom was created, accessible from the Keyline website.

Among the primary aims of the project, which saw its birth in the midst of the Covid-19 emergency, is the desire to create a parallel communication to the traditional one, interactive and widely, as well as easily, disseminated to reach, involve and inform a new audience, coming from all over the world.
A space on the virtual tour is reserved for the ‘future’, represented by a hidden duplicating machine, emblematic of the company’s constant commitment to the fields of research and development.

Discover the Virtual Tour of the Bianchi 1770 Key Museum and the Keyline Showroom created with the project