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We value business histories and the richness of their industrial heritage

We design and renovate museums and corporate archives to develop the potential of the cultural content of the past and reinterpret it in the present.

The valorisation of the industrial heritage takes place through the provision of new exhibition spaces and platforms capable of narrating the company’s history and cultural identity, with the aim of facilitating the generational transfer of knowledge, know-how and traditions inside and outside the company, which is part of a system of relations in the territory and recognised as a cultural actor.

Designing new exhibition strategies

We develop new forms of exhibition and communication for the enhancement of corporate history and heritage: we guide the establishment and design of corporate museums, corporate archives, advanced showrooms, district museums and work museums. We offer strategic consulting services for the renovation of exhibition spaces and the visitor experience, with the aim of improving the communication of corporate identity and culture.

Organisation of corporate events with high creative content

We organise artist competitions, performances, temporary exhibitions and events to celebrate corporate values and identity through the languages of art with high creative content.

Original corporate storytelling proposals

We mobilise knowledge and artistic sensibilities to design new ways of communicating industrial heritage, bringing tradition into dialogue with corporate innovation. We apply cutting-edge digital technologies to create new experiential and immersive narratives, building new dramaturgies and audiovisual products.

Workshops and training courses

We offer training courses to share our knowledge and make the processes of heritage evolution and renewal more incremental. We offer workshops in art-thinking, heritage marketing and exhibition design, to communicate and enhance the company’s history, while continuing to promote a view towards the future open to change.